3D Cube GLSL Gradient Shaders

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Three.js is a powerful JavaScript library that makes it easier to work with 3D graphics in the web browser. It provides a high-level abstraction over WebGL, a JavaScript API for rendering interactive 2D and 3D graphics. WebGL is based on the OpenGL ES standard and leverages the computer's GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) for hardware-accelerated graphics rendering.

With Three.js, developers can create stunning 3D visualizations, games, simulations, and interactive experiences directly in the browser, without the need for plugins or external software. It simplifies the process of working with WebGL by providing a more intuitive and developer-friendly API, hiding much of the low-level complexity of the underlying graphics programming.

Key Features of Three.js

Scene Management: Three.js introduces the concept of a "scene," which acts as a container for all the objects, lights, and cameras in a 3D world. Developers can create, manipulate, and organize various elements within the scene.

3D Object Creation: Three.js provides a wide range of geometric primitives (cubes, spheres, planes, etc.) and allows you to import complex models from external sources. You can define object properties such as position, rotation, scale, and apply materials to control the visual appearance.

Materials and Shaders: Three.js offers a variety of built-in materials that define how objects are rendered, including basic, phong, lambert, and more. Additionally, you can write custom GLSL shaders to create advanced visual effects, allowing for limitless possibilities in terms of object appearance.

Lighting and Shadows: Three.js supports different types of lights, including ambient, directional, point, and spotlights. These lights interact with materials to produce realistic shading and cast shadows, enhancing the visual quality of the 3D scene.

Cameras and View Controls: You can create and position cameras to define the viewpoint of the scene. Three.js also provides built-in controls, such as OrbitControls, to enable users to navigate and interact with the 3D environment.

Animation and Interactivity: Three.js supports animation techniques like keyframes, tweening, and frame-by-frame animation. It also provides utilities for handling user input and interaction, such as mouse and touch events.

Texture Mapping: You can apply textures to objects, allowing for realistic surface appearances. Three.js supports various types of textures, including images, videos, and procedural textures.

Creating 3D Cubes and GLSL Shaders

Three.js provides the necessary APIs and utilities to create 3D cubes and apply GLSL shaders for advanced visual effects. You can use the built-in geometric primitive "BoxGeometry" to create a cube, define its properties such as position, rotation, and scale, and apply materials to control its visual appearance.

To create custom GLSL shaders, Three.js allows you to write shader code using the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) and attach them to materials. GLSL shaders enable you to manipulate vertex positions, fragment colors, and other attributes during the rendering process, giving you fine-grained control over the visual output.

Getting Started with Three.js

To start using Three.js, you need to include the Three.js library in your HTML file by adding a <script> tag with the appropriate source URL. Once included, you can create a renderer, a scene, a camera, and add objects to the scene. By utilizing the provided APIs and utilities, you can control the appearance, behavior, and interactivity of your 3D scene.

Additionally, Three.js has a large and active community, which means there are plenty of tutorials, examples, and resources available to help you learn and explore its capabilities. The official Three.js documentation is a great place to start, offering comprehensive guides, API references, and live examples.


Three.js is a versatile and powerful JavaScript library that simplifies the creation of 3D graphics in the browser by leveraging WebGL. It provides a high-level API, abstracting away the complexities of low-level WebGL programming and offering a wide range of features for scene management, object creation, materials, lighting, animation, and interactivity. With Three.js, you can bring immersive and visually stunning 3D experiences to life directly in the web browser.

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